Vite & React: Alternative to Create-React-App
vite app Vite is a tool for both local development and the building of applications It was created within the Vue ecosystem, but can be used with other UI frameworks, Vite is a tool for both local development and the building of applications It was created within the Vue ecosystem, but can be used with other UI frameworks,
Vite - Zero Gas Layer-1 The official 2-in-1 on-the-go app of Vite wallet and Folio, developed by Vite Labs — Vite Wallet Create restore account with This tutorial will scaffold a new React App using the Vite tool, which is a lightweight alternative to Create React App You will create a
Vite is a tool for both local development and the building of applications It was created within the Vue ecosystem, but can be used with other UI frameworks, Learn how to migrate your existing React application from Vite to