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vf38 turbo vs td04

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vf38 turbo vs td04

เว็บไซต์ vf38 turbo vs td04 Hi, been looking through tech posts and struggling Auto is VF38 turbo? Manual TD04 19T ? Is there a difference in downpipe flange? game turbo xiaomi hyperos download Twin scroll turbo with titanium turbine and shaft Smaller compressor housing than VF36VF37 provides tremendous spool up capabilities but less top end than VF

vf38 turbo vs td04 They should both spool really quick and the vf38 should have better power band at higher rpm Personally I would go with a td04 though   Hi, been looking through tech posts and struggling Auto is VF38 turbo? Manual TD04 19T ? Is there a difference in downpipe flange?  It would be easier to swap a VF35 or 34 because they are single scroll like your stock td04 turbo that I assume is on your car The vf38 is twin
