Vengeance Demon Hunter Hero Talents for Mythic+

THB 1000.00
vengeance stat priority

vengeance stat priority  Improve your performance with personal feedback and stats Fix statistics for Demonsurge Vengeance Demon Hunter updated at 1212024 by  Vengeance Demon Hunter is an INCREDIBLY powerful tank in season 4 of dragonflight, and in this video, i go over EVERYTHING you need to know

But they're not very high-priority evilities Come again? You do realise 1 trillion HL will grant you 39% boost to ALL stats? This ones Vengeful Slam is very important to Vengeance AoE, because it will spread the DoTs you put on your first target to all others ALSO caught in the blast Put your

Haste is our most important defensive stat due to reducing our cooldowns, providing more Active Mitigation uptime Critical Strike is second  Agility and Luck should be secondary, with Agility added infrequently to maintain decent turn priority For a magic-based build, focusing on

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