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unsloth installation

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unsloth installation

เว็บไซต์ unsloth installation We recommend pip install unsloth @ git+unslothai for most installations though Conda Installation ⚠️Only use Conda unsloth pypi Copy pip uninstall unsloth -y pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir --no-deps git+unslothai pip uninstall

unsloth installation Unsloth 教程- 如何微调Llama-3并导出到Ollama 本文翻译整理自:? How to 安装whisperV3 github git clone openai pip install -U  Copy pip uninstall unsloth -y pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir --no-deps git+unslothai pip uninstall  To install and run Unsloth on Google Colab, follow the steps below If you have never used a Colab notebook, a quick primer on the notebook itself
