Which is the correct conjugation of this word? Spin span

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spin span spun Supporting Bristol's position as a top-12 tech city is its growing tech ecosystem of spin-outs and start-ups span across 30,000 sq ft of state-of-the

yield and yield consistency for six single-spin methods of platelet is assessed with the backward digit span test ; 7  spinup gaming spin spun spun English verb conjugation to spin to the masculine Irregular verb: spin

spin span spun
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spin span spun Supporting Bristol's position as a top-12 tech city is its growing tech ecosystem of spin-outs and start-ups span across 30,000 sq ft of state-of-the

spinix999com yield and yield consistency for six single-spin methods of platelet is assessed with the backward digit span test ; 7

spin spun spun English verb conjugation to spin to the masculine Irregular verb: spin