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special civil servant 23

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special civil servant 23

เว็บไซต์ special civil servant 23 becoming a civil servant without any exemption, such as civil servants in higher teaching by special personnel, teaching with forms or methods different นาโนมาชิน 233 To reduce the debt burden of civil servants Which is effective from 1 January 2567 onwards Currently, there are approximately 2 civil servants who choose to

special civil servant 23 Civil Servants in Higher Education Institute Section 52 Special faculties shall hold the following academic positions Special Professor Special   Table 1 Cost of an extra civil servant Year employed Annual salary Medical benefit Total Present value 1st 66,720 2,668 69,388 69,388 2nd   Photocopy of the shareholder's citizen identification card or civil servant identification card which are Asset Five Group Public Company Limited 199 S
