can use soru rokushiki by Bopblip on DeviantArt

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rokushiki soru Rokushiki , pseudo-flight , can generate wind blades with kicks

Seems like he might have Can't wait for a possible Rokushiki smack down with advanced Haki  rokushiki soru I know nobody cares about Helmeppo around here, but when Garp commanded them to act, it appeared like he used Soru along with Koby and Grus,

rokushiki soru
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rokushiki soru Rokushiki , pseudo-flight , can generate wind blades with kicks

rokushiki soru Seems like he might have Can't wait for a possible Rokushiki smack down with advanced Haki

I know nobody cares about Helmeppo around here, but when Garp commanded them to act, it appeared like he used Soru along with Koby and Grus,