Moves essenciais do Texas Hold'em: A cold 4-bet

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สอนโป๊กเกอร์ การ 4bet พี่เต้ Phachara wongwichit cold 4bet

cold 4betPoker Preflop Ranges: Cold 4Bet and Cold Call 3Bet : Manila 0 1 view 58 seconds ago #poker #pokertutorial #preflop On this video, we will learn

4×4bet Cosa c'è di meglio di un freeroll per sperimentare cold 4-bet out of position, floating e triple barrel in bluff senza dover pensare ai risvolti Cold 4-betting seems like a bad idea We block folding range from both players and when we get called or 5-bet we are in a bad spot Would be If you cold 4bet here with 99, this means you are 4betting at least ~6% This is a pure exploitative move vs the field If you do that with such

หวาน เจี๊ยบ wink เครดิต ฟรี 100 D'abord, deux gros pots gagnés : le premier via un cold 4-bet puis c-bet contre Jean-Noël Thorel et le second en envoyant deux barrels en 5-way

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