Why Is chmod -R 777 Destructive?
chmod 777 all files in directory On the h-sphere site, it defaulted all directories to 705 I ran the install and it said the files were unwritable so I changed them to 755 How can I do this really quickly using the find command? I had to chmod 755 on cgi files in those directories and I did that using this command: find -name
folders to 777 You should only use chmod 755 for directories and chmod 644 for files all folders back to 755 and files to 644 This filters all objects in the current directory tree for files named and runs the chmod o+r command to alter file permissions of
all the files and directories within that directory Use the chmod command to change permissions for a file or directory 777 cabbage $ ls chmod 634 Changing File Ownership To change the ownership of a file or directory, use the chown command: chown username myfile