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136C x 168hrs Elongation Flexibility Deformation Heat Shock Cold Bend Volume Resistivity kgmm 136C x 168hrs - 136C x 168hrs

Regular ราคา 1000 ฿ THB
Regular ราคา Sale ราคา 1000 ฿ THB
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เว็บไซต์ 168hrs 136C x 168hrs Elongation Flexibility Deformation Heat Shock Cold Bend Volume Resistivity kgmm 136C x 168hrs - 136C x 168hrs 168hrs 60℃・95%RH168hrs Properties TECHNICAL DATA SHEET NICHIEICO ,LTD NEION Film Coatings Corp

168hrs The LED should be soldered with 168hrs after opening the package If unused LEDs remain, it should be stored in moisture proof packages If the   Accelerated Aging at 70C for 168hrs - change in Tensile Strength ASTM D 3045 + % Flammability ASNIUL 94- 2001 V1 burning stops within 30 seconds on   , Built in Speaker, WiFi Module Embedded Super Clear Coating, Temperature Sensor, Pivot Display, Clock Battery(168hrs Clock
